According to Wikipedia, almost 40% of Quora users are from India. Have a look at the astonishing data that showcases the dominance of Indian users on Quora.
In the world, 39.7% user of Quora is from Indian Domain.
Source: Quora
Google Trends
Yes, it is indeed a normal question and answer service but ever since its launch in 2009, it has gained the attraction of people from various walks of life. You can find a retired Doctor to an aspiring 14-year doctor, top-level executives, journalists, students, entrepreneurs and even love gurus.
You will come across all types of questions starting from ‘how to build a website’ to ‘which is the best online shopping site for canvas shoes’, from ‘How should I bring positivity in life’ to ‘what will Batman say if he met Ironman’.
Here we have shared few marketing tactics for you strategically utilise this growing digital marketing platform and enhance your customer engagement.
Build a presence
Use your real name, mention your business and have a proper succinct profile. Do not use fake identities. Never misguide your audience. There have been cases where real quora fans have identity-shamed few profiles. Follow competitors, potential consumers, experts and everyone who is interested or related to your field.
Provide answers related to your field
After making your Quora Profile, go to your topic of expertise. Find an unanswered question which has many followers. Answer that question, make it a little opinionated. Make it sound realistic. Readers should not feel that the only reason you are answering is to popularise your brand.
Connect with the experts
Search the experts of your field. Follow them. Comment on their answers and make them remember you. Ask them questions. They might start reading your answers too. If they liked your answers, their followers will also get the notification on their wall, and there is a possibility that their followers might like your answer too. You can term it as indirect influencer marketing.
Talk to people
No, you don’t have to message them directly. You can start a discussion on the comment section as well. Be a part of the conversation. This is how you will build your business reputation. Respond to people who have liked your answer. You might be able to help out people in the comment section. Don’t miss any opportunity to connect with people. Upvote and respond as much as you can.
Ask good questions
You can utilise Quora for everything. Don’t be hung up on questions whose answer leads to your brand name. Instead, try to know what customers want from a product or service you provide; what are their expectations and issues they usually face. Try to understand your consumer. You can post other questions as well. Explore in every possible way.
“In Quora, the value is in the fact that you need to ask a good/interesting/intriguing question to get feedback from all those people out there.” — Hod Fleishman, founder and chief of safety at GreenRoad, a maker of driver technology.
Don’t self-promote or over-promote
Answer the questions on which you have a proficient knowledge. Your company is what you now know the best, so why don’t you start with that. Later, you can move on to all the questions related to your area of expertise. Quora is a place where you will find readers attracted to you only if you give quality answers.
Answer in a way that it adds value to your community and everyone related to it. Don’t put your product list everywhere bluntly. Introduce your product at the end of your answer. Again, the reader mustn’t feel that the only reason you chose to answer the question is to promote your product/brand. Don’t be afraid to talk to about your brand or product. But make sure your key focus is not on the product features but the answer quality. Readers will check out your product only when they are satisfied with the answer.
Few quick tips
● No grammatical mistakes. Make your content worth readable. People are hungry for information on Quora. Make sure yours is worth reading.
● Format your answer in an eye-catching way. Bold, Italics, uploading pictures options are available. Use them properly.
● Analyse your Quora stats regularly. View, Upvotes, Shares, the number of questions answers and asked. Analyse all the content you contribute.
● Talk, talk and talk to people. No content limits. You are free to provide as much information as you want. Make it interesting. Make it insightful.
Quora is great for idea curation, content sources, marketing, free networking and also offers survey opportunities. Don’t hesitate to explore this amazing digital platform that provides nothing but useful information.