Everyone likes a good joke. Everyone wants to be entertained. But we often hesitate to use humor when it comes to marketing. Humor can be the diamond of marketing if done well. If done wrong, it can make a business look mean, annoying and absurd.
People are interested in smart and meaningful content. By using good humor in advertising, the ad may go “viral” and people will start sharing it for its comic essence. One of the best humor infused campaign was, when Burger King announced free whopper if they unfriended 10 friends from their Facebook account. This garnered a lot of attention and free coverage. Brands like Domino’s and McDonald’s have been garnering attention for their sassy presence too.
Being funny get attention, but there are chances it may backfire. You can be funny and do serious business if humor in your content is used properly. Here are a few important things to consider while adding humor to your marketing.

Define the “funny” element
Comedy is largely subjective. What may be funny for a 20 year old may not be appealing to a 50 year old. So knowing your target audience is essential. Use humor as a way of showing your audience, that you understand them. That you are one amongst them. We buy from people we like, and humor is the easiest way to get there.
Make your brand memorable with humor
Research shows that 42% of good happy experiences are forgotten, while the remaining 60% of negative experiences fade gradually from the memory. We certainly do not remember boring and dull advertisements. But do not allow humor to overpower your brand. Keep the focus on your company and product. There’s a sweet spot between being offensive and funny. Figure out the sweet spot and make your brand memorable to your audience
Focus on the Pain Points
Starting your new campaign with the pain points of your customers will not only get you focussed on the customer, but also allow you to highlight the pain points to ridiculous levels where it is undoubtedly hilarious. As an added bonus, this will also help to build empathy. It creates a picture that you understand the problems and difficulties faced by your prospects and customers. Try the truth-it can be funny, especially if you talk about issues that your customer can identify with.
Closing Thought
Humor is effective because it humanizes and surprises. Humor creates joy if done right. But sure, there is a risk in humor campaigns. So instead of beginning with a large campaign, start small. This will help you to know if people love connecting with humor and if your brand can create smiles and laughs for your audience. With the right spin, a little laugh can go a long way!
Over to you
You don’t have to do all the work by yourself. We know you have a business to run, the best way to get everything done is to have a strategic and powerful army of professionals who will do that for you. We, at Crazy Hippos, take care of your complete online reputation. From crafting informative emailers to running successful digital campaigns, we have done it all and we will use that very experience to do it for you. All you have to do is to Call us.